Submission Guidelines

Formatting guidelines:
Standard 8.5″x11″ pages.
Times New Roman font, 12 point, body text justified, double spacing.
Center align chapters.
Divide scenes with three-pound signs (###), center aligned.
If your story has chapters, use the “header” function at 30 point and have each start on a new page.
No headers or footers.
Label document/save document “name” as “Author Name – Story Title.”
How to Submit:
Submit the form below and email your first three chapters as a DOCX attachment to
Please include an email introduction of yourself, a synopsis of your story, and any other relevant details.
Meraki Press New Authors
Are you interested in beginning or continuing your career as an author with Meraki Press?
All books published under Meraki must adhere to our content guidelines. Our content guidelines can be found here. These stories should be free of crude language and blasphemy, explicit sexual content, or gratuitous violence
Genres we are currently working with:
Children's Books
Chapter Books
Middle Grade Fiction
Young Adult Fiction
Adult Fiction
Contemporary Fiction
Clean Romance Fiction
Inspirational Nonfiction
Christian Living
Type of Author we're looking for:
Writers with a strong "WHY"
Writers who would like more independence than the Traditional publishing route offers.
Writers who need a little more help than an indie author.
Writers who create clean fiction, or tasteful nonfiction.
Writers who are dedicated to growing and developing their craft.
Writers who can take initiative on marketing and putting their book out there.
Writers who are willing to collaborate in a kind and professional manner with the Meraki Team.