Katie Zeliger | Owner and Publisher at Meraki Press
Katie has been a freelance writer, copywriter, editor, and designer for the better part of the last decade. Being trained and skilled in life coaching and counseling, she brings an interesting element to the publishing process by way of book coaching and exceptional support for her clients' entire creative process.
Meraki Defined
Meraki is a Greek word that is used to describe doing something with the essence of your being: with all your soul, creativity, or love. Meraki is what happens when you pour yourself into what you create. Meraki is an extension of yourself. We recognize that your work is more than a labor of duty, it's one of love.
How Meraki began
In 2019 I was working as an assistant director of a mental health drop in facility and overseeing a program designed to support individuals struggling with mild to severe mental health diagnoses. My main job was to meet 1:1 and discuss their life goals and work with them to achieve them. One man came in and said his dream was to publish a book. When I had asked if he had written one, this man who only had a 6th grade reading level produced a manuscript written during manic episodes on all sorts of paper. Strewn across copy paper, Manila folders, napkins, legal pad paper, etc was a beautiful story of his grandfather’s account of WWII. Together we spent seven months working on this manuscript. I taught him basic English and writing lessons so he could self edit his book, and after, I sent it out for polishing with a real editor. I researched how to self publish and taught myself to do it - as many indie authors do - and fell in love with the process. Now five years and much training later, Meraki Press is thriving. This moment in 2019 is still the reason why I do what I do.
Our Mission
Our mission is to support first time authors as they launch their passion project. We exist to help bridge the gap between an individual’s dreams and their current station in life. We believe in empowering writers and authors to be all they dream to be and have been doing so since our inception in 2021.
Hybrid Publishing & the benefits
For a long time there has been a large gap between traditional publishing and self publishing. Over time that gap has been filled with predatory companies called vanity presses. I want to make it clear that hybrid publishers are NOT vanity presses. Those are scams. Hybrid publishing is the creative third option, the marriage of all the benefits of self publishing and traditional publishing. This is what should fill the gap in a healthy and professional manner.
While not all hybrid publishers are created equal, they all should offer either a traditional publishing contract or an author subsized program, and in return offer higher than industry standard royalties. They should also be transparent in their conduct of services and have a clearly defined mission.
In hybrid publishing you get a blend of the creative freedom traditionally associated with self publishing, but the added benefit of a team of skilled professionals to work on your manuscript. Because you are sharing the cost of producing a book with the publisher, authors get a higher than industry standard royalty rate and access to a team that can strategize with you for your book’s success.
Our Books
Our books can be found in many stores around Clearfield, Centre, and Jefferson County. Stores include: Junk Dealer's Daughter in DuBois, The Unique Boutique of DuBois, Second Chance Boutique in Reynoldsville, Sunrise Coffee Bar in Brockway, The Watershed Journal in Brookville, Sparrow Books in Clarion, Fulmer House Books and Collectibles in Clarion.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.