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Hannah Sauter Doula


North Carolina, USA




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Hannah Sauter,

Birth Doula

Helping you find your voice in your birth story.


My name is Hannah Sauter I am a Birth Doula located in upstate New York. 

As a little girl, I found myself drawn to mothers and children. There was something so beautiful about motherhood that I couldn't put my finger on... As I grew up, I had many opportunities to be close to women and children; because of my dad's work, I was often found helping in the nursery with tiny babies and toddlers. When I was finally old enough to babysit, I filled my every free moment working for mothers in need. My summers were consumed with babysitting by day and relieving parents by night. Not only did I love watching the children, but I found myself staying HOURS after my shift to talk to the mothers. I drank in their stories - from pregnancy to birth, the hardships, the rewards, and every messy detail in between. Motherhood absolutely captivated my heart and mind.


Listening to story after story I found my passion and calling to serve mothers. 

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